Boey the cutest little guy around!!! Love that furry hair. He was born 11/19/2023- 10LBS, and is so sweet. He is fostered right now at Heather’s house who also has Brownie also for adoption and 2 cats. He is a good boy working on his potty training. Boey is a gentle soul. Loves everyone, other dogs and cats. Just a perfect little pet. Beautiful fur, he could be your furry boy!!! He is fully vetted, microchiped and neutered. Like Brownie, he was not sold by the breeder so he ended up with us instead of being sold to breed again. Both little ones love to play and run around. These fluffy little dogs are naturally curious and eager to explore and interact with their surroundings. Their alert expression, bright eyes, and perky ears give them an endearing and inquisitive appearance. Although described as spunky, they are very loyal to their human companions and are quite affectionate.
If you are interested in a sweet little guy, please fill out the application online under the forms tab. His adoption fee is $800. Part of our adoption fee helps other pets that are less fortunate. This is the only way we can make sure we feed, train and save other pets from shelters. Your contribution is greatly appreciated. If you are a senior please consider adopting a more mature dog. Thanks for your understanding and rescuing.